Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

This page serves as the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (the “Agreement”) for the Be Muslim Academy Website (the “Website”). In this Agreement, Be Muslim Academy LLC (hereafter, “Be Muslim Academy”) is referred to as “we” and “our.” We reserve the right to modify this Agreement at any moment and to post the updated terms on our website. Notices of such modifications may or may not be posted on the Website by us. We refer to the terms, conditions, and guidelines found on our website, including this agreement, our privacy policy, and any other agreements, as our “Legal Terms.” Every time you use our website, you voluntarily and implicitly accept to be bound by our legal terms. Please do not use or access our website if you do not want to be bound in this way.

Student Policy & Information:

Students should arrive in the classroom with all necessary materials for the lesson at least two minutes before the start of the session. The teacher will start the lesson at the scheduled hour. The teacher will wait the first fifteen minutes of class if a student is not present. An unexcused absence or no show is recorded for the student if they do not show up for class within the first fifteen minutes. If a student causes the class to start later than expected, the lesson will continue until the conclusion of the allotted time. Please get in touch with customer service right away if the teacher isn’t in the classroom so that we can take care of the issue right away. If the instructor is absent from the classroom without a replacement.


Classes may be canceled (with no refund or make-up) up to 30 minutes before class time, or they may be rescheduled up to two hours in advance if a student must miss them for one of the reasons listed below.

Only missed classes may be made up, and they must be rescheduled to occur no later than four weeks from the original date of the missed session. When rescheduling a session, a request for a new time must be made. Requests for cancellations or rescheduling must be made no later than two weeks in advance. There are no reimbursements for missed lessons.

Excused Absences Includes: illness, a family member passing away, scheduling conflicts at work or school, national holidays, and technical problems (computer, internet, etc). In order for your absence to be considered excused, please inform assistance as soon as possible if you are unable to notify us in advance due to a technical issue that arises during class. Limit: You may reschedule up to 50% of your monthly hours using the site. Refunds of any kind are not available for absences.

Extended Absences Extension of leave up to one (calendar) week: If a student needs to retain their class time and teacher during an extended leave of absence, they must pay half the regular tuition for all classes during that period. You can use your remaining two excused absences to make up classes this week if you have any left. Please be aware that vacations are not counted as excused absences and cannot be utilized in conjunction with makeup classes for excused absences. Extension of leave of more than one (calendar) week: If a student should miss more than one week of class, they must pay half the regular tuition for the first week and the full tuition for all subsequent weeks if they wish to keep their teacher and class schedule. You can use your remaining two excused absences to make up classes this week if you have any left. Please be aware that vacations are not counted as excused absences and cannot be utilized in conjunction with makeup classes for excused absences.

Unexcused Absences Any kind of absence that isn’t covered by the policy on “Excused Absence.” This includes missing class without permission or notifying the teacher of a non-emergency absence less than 12 hours in advance of scheduled class time. There won’t be a refund or free makeup for an unexcused absence from that class.

Rescheduling Lessons It is necessary to schedule make-up lessons to occur within 4 weeks of the missed session and to schedule them within 2 weeks of the missed class. There will be no makeup lesson or refund if the student misses the makeup appointment. Any planned makeup sessions will be canceled in addition to any scheduled classes that are canceled or suspended for any reason. Only enrolled classes are eligible for make-up sessions. After cancellation, make-up lessons cannot be planned.

Teacher Assignment Changes While we make every effort to minimize it, there are situations where a student may be permanently switched to a different teacher as they advance through the course.

Classroom and Teacher-Student Relationship Policy

It is imperative that teachers and students always keep their relationship professional and restrict their conversation to the topics covered in class. At no point should students divulge any personal information to the teacher. It is strictly forbidden for teachers to request gifts or loans of money, favors, or personal information from their students. The kid must refuse any requests for money from the teacher and notify the administration right away if they do! Instructors and students are not permitted to hold sessions outside of Be Muslim Academy for any reason due to security concerns. Reports of any kind of teacher-student relationship abuse should be sent right away to support@BeMuslimAcademy.com. In the event that a student disregards this policy, Be Muslim Academy will take the required steps to address the matter with the teacher; nevertheless, Be Muslim Academy shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by the student.

Student Support Team Student assistance is available to help if you have any queries or need guidance regarding course plans, levels, or tailoring your course. Requests for scheduling or general information about classes should be handled directly with the student assistance staff.


With the exception of two important holidays that are celebrated by all of our staff members, teachers, and most students, Be Muslim Academy aims to remain open throughout the year. Eid Ul-Fitr and Eid Ul-Adha are the two holidays, during which the institute will be closed for three and five days, respectively.

Like other tuition-based institutions, there will be no tuition credit or reimbursement for these two holidays due to the large number of registered students.

Complaints Policy

We take student complaints very seriously and will respond to them as soon as we can. We will respond to complaints within three business days. Please get in touch with customer service at support@BeMuslimAcademy.com if there is anything about your course that you are unhappy with so we can resolve the issue.

Help, Questions, Comments

Please contact the administration with any inquiries or remarks not related to the course material. We work hard to provide the highest caliber of instruction for your classes, and we value your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions. Kindly reach out to the following: For any queries you may have about classes, rescheduling, billing, technological difficulties, or anything else, send us an email or give us a call at (USA : +1 (315) 636-4036
UK : +44 333 303 4409).

Any of the aforementioned policies are subject to change at any time by Be Muslim Academy. In the event that a problem emerges that is not addressed by the aforementioned policies, the administration will take appropriate action.